Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Twelve Hour Tour

Christmas has come and gone. My uncle´s house was beautiful. If I ever lived in Nicaragua I would want my house to look like that. We ended up doing the talent show there. My mom told me I didn´t have to worry about having a talent but I jokingly suggested that we should do the soulja boy dance. Well turned out EVERYONE had a talent to share and there was no way I was going to make a fool of myself dancing soulja boy without even having the music to go along with it. But my mom kept pestering for me to do it. It just put me in a bad mood and made me feel like a failure for not having a talent to share. I mean... I consider myself talented, but they´re all rather boring talents. And if I knew ahead of time that I was going to be that pressured maybe I would have prepared something impressive. My grandma got sick. and we ate dominoes pizza... which tasted sadly nothing like it should have. Overall we had a good time as a family though.
Just my luck I got a bug bite on my face during the night. lame. The other ones are doing MUCH better. still itchy but not as massive. My nose has been giving me a lot of problems but I think if I was at home it would be much worse. Like stay in bed nasty gross worse.
So today was definitely and adventure. We rented this van/bus thing (for 12 hours) and went to Mombotombo! A volcano about an hour away near the city of Granada. It was a lot of fun going in the van thing. The driver basically had to drive like a drunk to try to miss as many of the holes in the road as possible. I think we took the worst possible route. It would have been better to not have driven on the road at all.
We went up to the top of the volcano first which is way way way up high. And you go on this crazy bus drive where at some points you could swear you were going vertical. It felt like if you didn´t keep driving we would fall backwards. We walked around and saw the view. They have like a hike around the crater (its dormant). It beat Bell Mountain by 10. I wanted to see more wildlife but all you could really see were the plants and these nasty black bug things that kept sticking to our clothes. It was pretty cold up there but once you were in the forest it wasn´t bad at all. The view was insanely beautiful.
And for all those who are strong supporters of organic, they certainly had the right idea about making the most out of a bathroom trip. They called them ¨Latrinos Organicos¨ and they were little shacks that were a good way off the ground. Basically they would use your waste to make organic fertilizer. Delicious. Needless to say it was so gross I couldn´t use it.
There was sort of a little town there... they grew and harvested lots and lots of coffee. It was cool to see where they dried it out. After an hour or so of walking around I was done with that and gladly welcomed the bus ride back down. We only went part way down and got off at the ¨Canopy¨ which is like zip lining from tree to tree hundreds of feet in the air (literally in the canopy.) Mostly just the kids went but my mom went too. The tour guide man took great pictures for us but because of that I didn´t get to take as many pictures from up high as I wanted to. It was scary and thrilling all at the same time. Even for my third time doing it, I still got that freaked out feeling. The guides are so used to being up there they make it seem so easy. After that was over we drove back down to the very bottom, and I was over joyed at getting to use a bathroom, which by that time, seemed heavenly. It had lights that worked, a lock that locked, the toilet flushed, there was toilet paper, and I wasn´t deathly afraid of catching some strange disease.
We drove to Granada which is a very cute town. Unfortunately it was already getting dark so I couldn´t really take pictures. The buildings all look very colonial and very very old. There are a bunch of enormous churches and the buildings are all beautiful colors.
We ate at this place called RostiPollos and I must say, it was better than chick-fil-a. It was a fast food type restaurant but sit down style if you wanted. It was very nice for fast food haha. The thing about eating out though is that you have to be careful with the whole water situation. You can´t just be like like ¨oh, well I just won´t drink the water.¨ you have to ask about the ice too. And then you can´t really get salad because they probablly wash it with water and then they don´t cook it so you can´t get rid of the bacteria.
By this point I was very much ready to come home. About 6 more people came today and I haven´t even seen them. The shower tonight felt amazing even though without a drought, I still have to shower like a marine lol. My back is pretty sore from the crazy roads we took but if my dad can survive, so can I. So far I´ve taken 400 something pictures :x
Well best be getting some sleep. Who knows what´s going on tomorrow.

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