Monday, December 24, 2007

¡Que Plaito!

Plaito rymes with Plato... the great philosopher. And the phrase means WHAT A FIGHT! And thats basically what these last 24 hours have been lol. People are having a hard time getting a long. And its not the kids-- its the adults. At least we´ve had electricity for longer than 24 hours.
Last night we had a bon fire and roasted marshmellows. We went to the market yesterday too but we ended up not buying anything. I hate speaking at the market because if I speak in English I feel super out of place. And I just hate speaking in Spanish. Que Problema
It´s hotter today which really makes it weird when you remember it´s Christmas Eve. No white Christmas here lol. So we set up the ``Christmas tree`` today. Remember Charlie Brown´s Christmas tree? yeah it was like that but much taller. Putting the lights on was an adventure. I think they´re putting on the ornaments now. We had to put it in a bucket with rocks to get it to stand up and when ever a breeze would come it would fall over. I think they finally figured it out though. I´m documenting it with my camera because it´s hillarious. Unfortunately I´m not really sure how to upload pictures here so those might have to wait until I get home. I´ve taken about 60 pictures so far :X
The alarm went off again last night. It sucks when you´re peacefully dreaming and then all of a sudden JK! It´s SO loud.
I think they´re making my favorite for Lunch: Arroz con Gandoles (pigeon peas and rice). I haven´t been eating much just because it doesn´t really appeal to me. Plus the eating schedule is weird. The main meal is supposed to be lunch and thats usually something gross. Last night for dinner I had a bowl of Lucky charms, a bowl of honey bunches of oats and a tortilla with beans and cheese lol. and 3 smores. At least I´m not alone on the whole not liking the food thing.
Tonight there´s supposed to be a play... something about going to church too. Nobody really knows the plans lol.

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