Sunday, September 7, 2008


What would the world be like if men didn't have penises? In my bird class that I'm taking this semester we learned that only 4% of birds have penises. For most birds all sex requires is a quick touch of the butt. The only way to really justify carrying around the extra weight of a penis is for water birds who would need to get sperm further in so it wouldn't wash off in the water. Other birds that have penises are ratites which include larger birds like ostriches, emus and rheas.
Since birds don't have penises, the female is the one that gets to wear the pants in the relationship. If a male wants to produce offspring, he has to put 100% into attracting a female. He can't just walk up and "rape." If a female doesn't want her offspring to have a certain male's dna, she doesn't have to mate with him. Some birds can even reject unwanted sperm. But if a penis was used, she'd be stuck with the sperm.
Interestingly enough, ostriches, which have penises, have male dominance unlike these other birds. Even though the male still has to court the females, the relationship is much more of the patriarchal variety. So I have to wonder... is this why most human societies are dominated by males? Because they wear the penis? What would life be like if guys didn't have penises? I mean other than what sex would be like lol.
This article I found while writing this post goes much more into detail about bird sex and penises. Its based around the idea of why Zeus chose to be a swan to rape Leda. I would highly recommend checking it out.

Bottom line: Penises are dangerous.

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